So here is the uniform that was given to me by the incredible Mr. Fish. He is my liaison here at the school and never seems to surprise me when he shows up at my door at 7am with an English grammar question, or tells me that there are a group of police officers that want to take me to lunch, or when I asked to fill the gapping whole that is my living room window he simply said " maybe in a month, maybe."
He truly is a great guy, who is sort of reminiscent of a Chinese monopoly man. So I recently told "Fish" that I would be running the Great Wall Marathon in Beijing. He was thrilled and actually didn't believe me for a good week or so. Lately whenever I see Fish he likes to smile and then dash past me and yell "first one to the top of the stairs is the winner," as he puffs on his 18th cigarette of the day. Yeah it's real funny after the tenth time when you are lugging around poster boards of Old McDonald's farm. So today I was on the bus headed into town and Fish called me on my cell phone. He told me he had something to give me and that i should come to his office as soon as possible.
He was very excited to present me with my very own Wulingyuan #1 Middle School track suit that I can wear on race day atop the Great Wall. This is what the students wear almost everyday so I plan to just come to class wearing it some time and see how much they freak out. I think it's pretty spiffy, now I'm really ready to roll.
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