There are days when I can handle China just fine and then there are the days when all the little things add up and just make me want to put a hole through my cardboard excuse for a bathroom window. Here are a list of the annoyances as they happened today. You can be the judge are these things extremely annoying and would drive any sane person batty, or did i just wake up on the wrong side of a my hard mattress-less China bed?
1. Construction starts at 6:45am which consisted of loud banging and shouting/ hawking worker bumpkins creating enough noise to force me out of my bedroom.
2. The internet doesn't work, again. (I know i should be grateful to have it here since most people don't, but still it's nice to wake up to an email from a friend or family member especially when you can't sleep at 6:45am.)
3. The mound of laundry I have to get through just so I can have clean socks has to be washed item by item in my bathroom sink.
4. I hurt my hip running and have been icing it everyday but since ice packs don't exist in China I have been resorting to putting Beer cans in my shorts.
5. I can't plug in the refrigerator unless all other appliances are turned off due to a lack of electrical outlets so I have to wait 3 hours to freeze my beer can ice packs so I can ice my sore hip.
6. I dropped a beer can and it burst all over the kitchen and myself.
7. I went to the post office to mail my entry form for the Great Wall marathon and the woman at the counter assumed without asking that I wanted an envelope for mail being sent to foreign countries. When I returned the envelope with Beijing written on it she yelled at me and told me that I did it all wrong and made a huge scene so that the entire post office could see that I was a total idiot for writing on the wrong envelope. She then charged me for a new envelope after overcharging me for the fancy flowered foreign envelopes.
8. I went to the atm machine and two dirty little boys stood at my feet asking me what my pin number was and when i told them to go away they tried to snatch my receipt when it came out of slot. I grabbed it and stormed out of the bank as everyone around laughed.
9. As I got some corn to eat from a vendor on the street I looked next to me on the sidewalk and woman was squatting and holding her pantsless daughter between her legs helping her make a poop on the sidewalk. I really wanted to enjoy that corn too.
10. Throughout this whole venture into town I was assaulted with the normal "hellos" which I should mention aren't "hi, nice to see you" hellos they are drive by assault "HA-LOW!!!"'s that are always followed by laughing and pointing amongst a group of friends.
11. Went to the grocery store and a seemingly nice worker grabbed me by the hand and in the local language started shooting questions at me, and all I could make of it was, "what do you think, ok???" So she dragged me to the back and tried to force a huge partially rotten watermelon into my hands and when I told her I didn't want it she was like, "gosh why not, what's your problem I'm even giving it to you for 3 kuai." I told her I didn't feel like being fooled into buying her day old fruit so she wouldn't get in trouble by her boss.
12. Getting cut 3 times in line at the check out by men smoking inside the grocery store who just shove me aside and place their food on the counter. AND THE CLERKS WHO DO NOTHING ABOUT IT!!!!!!
13. Thinking I was nearly going to die on the van ride home because the driver liked to play chicken on the narrow roads with oncoming dump trucks, three wheeled carts, buses, cows, motorcycles and tractors, all without using his headlights!!!!
Ok so that's about it you can be the judge, complainer or no??? You think I would be used to all this by now......